Employment Services



To help newcomer and refugee youth (ages 16 to 29) develop the employability skills required to enter and successfully participate in the Canadian labour market.

Employment Services Components Include:

Work Experience Opportunities &
On-the-Job Support

Youth are matched with partnering employers to provide meaningful and hands-on work placements. In addition, clients receive on the job mentorship and support to increase their chances of success in participating in the Canadian Labour Market.

Individual Career Coaching &
Employment Support

Offers one-on-one employment support in the form of resume and cover letter writing, interview preparation and job searching assistance.

Employment Readiness Training

Designed to prepare newcomer youth for the Canadian workplace. Workshops are interactive and hands-on to help youth be engaged in the learning process and build interpersonal skills, communication skills and confidence.

English for Employment
Purposes Training

Provides opportunities for youth to build their English language skills specific to the Canadian workplace through sector specific language training with partnering employers.

Post-Secondary Bridge Program

Post-Secondary Bridge Program is running for the summer!

If you are a newcomer youth in grades 10, 11, or 12 or a high school graduate thinking about post-secondary education, this program is for you! Join other newcomer youth this summer to learn more about high school graduation, post-secondary education in Canada, and resources to help you prepare for the future.

The program will run a July group and an August group (times TBD).

For more information and to register, contact Lara at Lara@needsinc.ca or 204-940-1235!


As a Newcomer, joining NEEDS Centre's Employment Program was one of the best decisions I made when I came to Canada. It really helped me a lot and it gave me plenty of hope to not give up and continue working hard. Dealing with a new country with different culture and language barriers is hard and will never be easy. The Employment Program helped me gain new skills such as small talk so that I can behave professionally when I am at my workplace.

NEEDS Centre Employment Services Student
One thing I learned at NEEDS Centre Employment Program is that you need to move away from your comfort zone so you will know yourself much better. The NEEDS Centre helps me if I am having a hard time doing my homework and if I am looking for a job. I really appreciate and love each everyone at the NEEDS Centre because all of them are amazing, especially Ms. Margaret, who I love so dearly. I am graduating from high school because of all of their support and guidance. Thank you NEEDS Centre for everything!
NEEDS Centre Employment Services Student
My experience at NEEDS was one of the most important experiences I have ever had, and I will never forget it. They helped me through the difficult times as an immigrant when I was looking for a job. They teach us about employment by making workshops and interviews, and I am very thankful for what they have done for me.
NEEDS Centre Employment Services Student
NEEDS Centre has fantastic staff. They helped me prepare and find my career in home-care. I recommend Newcomers to visit NEEDS Centre to find employment opportunities.

NEEDS Centre Employment Services Student


Ryan Croy

Ryan@needsinc.ca | (204) 940-1236

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