
Help us make a difference today!

Invest in the future, growth, and success of our city and nation. Make a gift to the NEEDS Centre today.

In addition to our funding partners, we rely on the financial contributions of individuals to make our programming accessible and free of charge to immigrants and refugees making a new start in Canada. With your support, we can make sure we have the space, tools, staff, and materials to ensure the success of the newcomers who come through our doors.

N.E.E.D.S. Inc. is a registered charity. All donations are eligible for a tax-credit as a charitable gift. If you would like to help support our programs and services, you can donate online through the link, or call us at (204) 940-1260.

Donations needed for our lunch program

We are seeking monetary donations to support our lunch program for newcomer students. Your contribution will help us continue providing nourishing meals and snacks to our newcomer participants, enabling them to fully engage in our activities. ❤️❤️

There are two ways to donate:

  • You may choose to donate by cheque, mail it to N.E.E.D.S. Inc. (251a Notre Dame Avenue ) or drop it off during our open hours:
      • Mon/Fri 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
      • Tues/Weds/Thurs 8:30 am – 6:30 pm,
      • or Sat 10 am – 5 pm.
  • Or you may donate online

For more information, email Yu Sun or call 204-940-1249

Support newcomer & refugee children, youth and their families today by making a donation!